ABOUT Legal Notices

Green Tower Kunshan business idea is to assist European cleantech companies grow and prosper in China. The focus is on early and growth phase cleantech companies with proven concept. 

The focus of Green Tower Kunshan is Finnish and other Nordic cleantech firms. GTK aims to join the best in their fields in green technology to a single location. 

Green Tower Kunshan lowers the entry barrier for early- and growth stage cleantech companies to enter Chinese markets by utilizing proven value networks, processes and competencies with competitive costs. 

Green Tower Kunshan offers to its clients a high-quality business environment with close proximity to Shanghai City. Limited office space is still available.


Green Tower Kunshan business idea is to assist European cleantech companies grow and prosper in China. The focus is on early and growth phase cleantech companies with proven concept. 

The focus of Green Tower Kunshan is Finnish and other Nordic cleantech firms. GTK aims to join the best in their fields in green technology to a single location. 

Green Tower Kunshan lowers the entry barrier for early- and growth stage cleantech companies to enter Chinese markets by utilizing proven value networks, processes and competencies with competitive costs. 

Green Tower Kunshan offers to its clients a high-quality business environment with close proximity to Shanghai City. Limited office space is still available.


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